Go Get Some Rosemary


Strenuous, punishing and fatiguing like lugging a refrigerator across town on your back. That's parenting! That's Daddy Longlegs (2009)! The camera's a constant presence in shaky 16 mm, like a child in a tizzy demanding your attention. The magical realism mosquito scene is a quick blow and gives me faith in the prospect of a proper Elara Pictures horror one of these days -- I wonder how much of the bare budget went to practical effects. Bernstein (co-writer), graying but agile, plays the recklessly uncouth father, the film projectionist who can't hold focus, so sympathetically. It's horrifically conflicting!! But you can't be a parent and a lad. It's exhausting walking on our hands, jangling change, standing on bellies. Your temper will shorten, you'll run out of steam and when that hits you'll have to confront your ineptitude. And there will be consequences. Happy Father's Day.

 Here's Abel Ferrara peddling phony CD's
